

Misha Nivota's Poems


August 2015


You are a baby in the morning

You explore the world

You eat lunch as a successful adult

Doing what you love

You close your eyes as a senior

With the happiest life

What Are We?

Who Am I

Who am I?

Am I a dream, a game, movie character or a person

Is this my future self looking down at the past with disgust

Is this a cheery movie that a family is watching

Or is this a game made by some mad coder


What is my life

What is my life?

Is it a weird video game like MineCraft

Is it a movie about someone’s life

Or is this a little girl’s dreams of what she may become in the future


What is this world

What is this world?

Is it a dream made by a different universe

Is it the regrets of a world of starvation and disease

Is it the nightmare made by a perfect world Or is it really our own world

My Life

I have the best type of life. 

I have enough, but not too much.

Though, sometimes I forget.

For I ask for a thousand things.

And after they say NO

I remember that I have the best type of life.

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