

Misha Nivota's Poems


September 2015

Mt. Storm King

We hiked so long all the way to the top

We had many a break for some rest

When we came back, on the floor would I flop

But until then I shall take on the test

We had quite long breaks at bench one and two

It was at bench 2, when we had our lunch

“Were the 6th graders having their lunch, too?”

I wondered as I took many a munch

Oh yay we are on our way down from now

For my red eyes were closing steadily

I wished for some milk from a dainty cow

So I skipped back to campus readily

But now all I do is homework and play

Which is not akin to NatureBridge day


Nature Bridge


Nature is cool

Nature is fun

Nature is for everyone

Nature comes in different forms

River, creek or giant storm

Nature is connected

With you and you and you

So if you help the nature

It will help you too!

The Secret Garden

When he married her

Healthy and strong I grew

She would come in the morning

To see me full of dew

She tended me with care

So I would look nice and new

But, then she died

And he closed me up

For years and years to come

But her soul lived on

Hidden inside me

to be continued…..


I was looking forward to so much today

That he didn’t even cross my mind

But when I heard the news

Only worry paraded the street that is my mind

And when I heard the vet’s recommendation

My heart fell with sorrow

I found myself with him alone

I sat there thinking for a while

Then I kissed him on the head and said

Oh Theo, I know you didn’t get a long life

But I hope you got a happy one



The leaves on the trees are turning red, orange, yellow

The weather turns cold

The school year starts

Summer is over

Fall has begun

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