

Misha Nivota's Poems


October 2015

The Sea Otter

He dips and dives like the water itself

He swims and leaps like a ballerina

He eats his food and uses tools like a thinker

He looks and acts like an adorable puppy

He treats his cubs and family as his equals

Teaching and helping them everyday

And he regrets the day they go away

I’d love him and his family as our beloved pets

Who we’d of course treat as family

Cause he is a beautiful sea otter

sea otters

One Bird, First Flight

As I stepped out of my nest

I wondered what they want

As they nudged me to the edge

I thought I was going to die

But then dad took off

Then I knew

They wanted me to fly

One step, a fall

I flapped my wings and took off

I was flying

As we flew away I looked at my nest and said

Good bye


The Festival of Lights

Look so many lights

Some firecrackers, some diyas, some sparklers

Every house is bright

Everyone is having fun

Some people are watching the firecrackers with neighbors

Some people are playing with sparklers and family                                  

This is so much fun

This is the festival of lights

The Festival of Colors

Look so many colors

Some red, some blue, some green, some pink

Flying through the air

Look so many people

Some drenched, some stained, some both

Everyone is having fun

I’m off to play with my friends

Veda, ha ha ha ha ha

I’ll get you back

This is so fun

This is the festival of colors

Why Does a Fire Glow

Why does the fire glow?

Why do all the plants grow?

Is there something we overlooked?

Hidden away inside a book?

All I have to do is peek in and look

To find the things we overlooked

Why why why why indeed

Find the secret power we need

Why why why why indeed

Find the secret power we need


Why does the fire glow?

Why did evolution grow?

Why did dinosaurs evolve?

Why does the earth revolve?

Why why why why indeed

Find the secret power we need

Why why why why indeed

Find the secret power we need


Why does the fire glow?

Why does the wind blow?

Why did that something burst?

How do I quench my knowledge thirst?

To figure out the secret power

I think and think for many an hour

Why why why why indeed

To find the secret power we need

Why why why why indeed

To find the secret power we need

The Falling Leaf

I was on a walk

on a Saturday morning

then I stopped

watched it fall ever so gently

a single leaf……..

as orange as fire on the tip

but close to the stem, a crimson red

I went over

picked it up

lifted it

so it covered the sun

only the rays showing                                                    

I walked home

the image in my mind

I painted it lovingly

but not even a painting by Picasso

could capture the emotions

of the falling leaf




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