

Misha Nivota's Poems


November 2015

The Flower From Heaven

The first bud  of the spring sprouts gaily from the plant

Just as stars radiate from the night

It stayed there as is for a while

But then came the lone flower

Petals the night and middle the moon

And it glistened in moon and sunlight alike

Until it was gone

On its way to a heaven world

After paving a path many shall follow

Poem flower pic

My Dragon Life

I leaned over to the side

Gazed at the world around me

I stopped at the little brook

And stretched out my wings

I watched the sun dance in the water

As I took a drink

I took off into the pink sky

Then you saw me clearly

My brilliant red and orange scales, shining in the sun

My colossal, bright red wings, swaying in the wind

My fierce, scarlet claws, skewering mice

My sharp, orange horns, almost like flames themselves

Everyone gasps in awe when they see me

I fly gracefully across the sunset sky

Thinking of lives of simpletons, of mice or humans

But then I push that thought away, happy for my dragon life


My puppy and I

We were running on our way

On a fine fall day

The birds were chirping gaily

And we saw the little ball we play with daily

I stooped down to take it

And then threw it with my mitt

She ran after it happily

And at home she pawed it lazily

She is the best dog I could wish for

Even if all the dogs of the world were lined up at my door

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