

Misha Nivota's Poems


December 2015

The Little Bunny

The bunny popped up from the burrow

So cute, timid and small

It’s sister came next

Little braver than the first

Their mother pushed them on

The little bunny trailing behind, scared

It jumped at the sound of the falling leaf

And ran at his sister yipping with humor

But then his sharp eyes spotted a stripe

His sister was heading right to it

The tiger jumped out of the bushes

Its claws extended toward his sister

He jumped right toward her

Bumping her out of the way

Then ducking out of the tigers reach

But he turned around

Saw Mom in reach of the tiger’s claws

So he ran to her bumping them both far away

The tiger fell in a thorn bush and died

And the little bunny was never scared again

But he was still cautious

End of the Rainbow

The colors of the rainbow

So radiant and fine

They shine like the sun

With the moon’s crystal glaze

As they ride across the sky in gold rides

Just before they touch the ground

They rear up very quickly

Leaving behind a pot of gold

At the end of the rainbow

The Little Black Bear

Twas the night before Christmas

And the birds were bright

They thought nothing could go wrong on Christmas

But little did they know that deep inside the forest

Man was digging and uprooting the trees

A little black bear saw them

And ran away in fright

For, to her, the lonely spirits deep in the bark

The trees were crying out with all their might

The little black bear with her friends, the grizzly and the polar

Threw the mankind out

Deep into the hole of Tatarus

Until they promised to do right

The men were then kind and tending to their farms

And the women prayed for Mother Earth day and night

The little black bear played with them by day

And watched high atop the trees by night

Smiling to herself, saying she did right


little black bear

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