

Misha Nivota's Poems


January 2016

The Prettiest Snow

On a chill December morning

The snow started to fall

It was as if the heavens were crying

With tears of happiness

At what a beautiful landscape

The land would look like once it snowed

It would look like the green had changed to white

It would be so pretty

The heavens would color themselves with it

It was




The Winter Flower

I was running home on a chill winter morning

When the first snow was falling

I stopped at the crossing to catch my breath

Then I saw the lone flower

It was sitting there all bright and beautiful

With frost creeping up its stem

I picked it up with my gloved hand

Took it home, put in a vase

Set it on the table and laid back

Watched it

All was silent

No words needed to be spoken

All was said by the flower’s nodding head


Frosted Flower Beauty Winter Wallpaper




The Hurt Player

I saw the hurt player
With his broken arm in a cast
I couldn’t watch him play
Using and falling on his arm
I wondered why he chose to play
When he was clearly hurt
I think he’s too brave for his own good
Thinking he can do anything
And fight through the pain
He surely wears a brave face
On the inside, I bet, he’s writhing in pain
The thing I’m trying to say is,
No matter the embarrassment,
If something hurts, just take a timeout

The Evertree

There was nothing but the sea, sun & sky

For the first part of Erdas’s life

Then, came a shining sapling

With silver bark & golden leaves

Her branches touched the heavens

Her roots touched the fiery core

As they breathed life into the world

They created the Great Beasts, and all of us

The Evertree, the source of all bonds

Everything thrived under her rule

Til she became old and started withering

The Great Beasts, except for the Four Fallen

Sacrificed themselves for Erdas

They killed the Evertree

So the world could begin anew


(inspiration from Spirit Animal book series)


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