

Misha Nivota's Poems


February 2016

The Mixed Up Winter + Spring

The wind in my face 

The snow at my feet

My board, zipping through the powder

 I’m boardin’ down the mountain

It’s winter

But when I get home

The cherry blossoms are blooming

The bees are buzzing

The birds, their songs filling the air

It’s spring

Wait, didn’t I just say it was winter

Now I’m saying it is spring

That is funky

Warm winter

Cool spring

The world is changing



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The Raindrop

A single rain drop

As light as air

Falling ever so gracefully

Through the sky

Then the sun peeked over

And saw the lone drop

It shined its rays through the little speck

And put some glow in the raindrop’s life

And in return the speck reflected the rays

As a rainbow

So colorful and light

To show the world the beauty

Of sun and rain



The Rain

The rain is falling

It is pitter – pattering

A frog croaks nearby

The Broken Necklace

One day

My  best  friend’s  mom took me to Macy’s

And bought me a top with a necklace

I took care of it so

And then it was gone

So beautiful & fragile

It broke my heart to see it go

Why is it the ones we feel we will disappoint the most

Are our closet and most caring friends

Our hearts are broken to tell the truth

Just like the broken necklace




The Wind in the Trees

The wind in the trees

It frightens me

The swishing

The swaying

“The tree is about to fall”

Is what my mind is telling me

I run for cover

Through the soaking rain

I sneak a peek behind me


A face in the tree

It is laughing at me

I run back home

Next day I look out my window


The face

Looking ever so lonely

I laugh at the face

Never so scared of the wind in the trees

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