

Misha Nivota's Poems


April 2016

The Two Paths

There are two paths

One down a long, bright road

This road makes you work hard

But always ends in white brightness

Then there is the other

A dark easy road

It ensures that you never work hard

Make others work for you

Treat them badly, have the last laugh

Except at the end

It almost always ends in jail

Or a broken heart

Do you want to work hard and win at life

Or do you want the easy way out

And end your life with your heart in cage

Your Choice

At the crossroads of life



Sand and Time


The sand is slipping through my fingers

Gravity pulling what is unable to stay 

Through cracks and crevices

It is slipping away

Just like time


The time is slipping away

Through the fingers of reality

The past, pulling it away

The present, trying to hold on

And the future, adding more

To reality’s hand

Making time the endless river of sand

Close view of sand flowing through an hourglass. 3D render with HDRI lighting and raytraced textures.

The Sun God

The waves are so still

The wind has silenced

The world has stopped it’s works

The sun grows big

The sun grows red

It is now a red giant

It will swallow us all

We flee to Mars

We will live for a short time

As long as the sun god shines sweet

Before us it will eat





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