

Misha Nivota's Poems


July 2016

Kanchan Boutique

As old as generations

“We follow the trend,

we go by tradition!”

Its a need of a damsel in distress

Who needs a fitted gown

But wants it simple, to ease the stress

Of waiting for a hero

Then, Kanchan sends their best man

With a gown of fashionable silk

When he arrives, with a gleeful face

He repeats our very best slogan

“Nobody understands a woman’s heart

as much as Kanchan does!”

The damsel loves her dress so much

She blesses Kanchan with tears

“May any woman, big or small,

leave Kanchan with many cheers”


Image result for kanchan boutique visakhapatnam andhra pradesh



The Feeling In You

The anger, hatred, frustration

The sadness, strife and failure

The happiness, love and gratefulness

They can be passed from one to another

When you get mad, so does your friend

But when you are glad, so is everyone else

So whenever you are troubled

Stop to think, think happy, happy

Then start the day with a smile







The Roller Coaster of Life

You slowly climb to the top

The car is rattling without stop

You reach the end and look down

The medium drop equals a frown

And every high peak of the track

Equals a smile, that is a fact

Every jump and leap made

Your feelings that never fade, any kind of strife

This speedy, roller coaster of life





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