

Misha Nivota's Poems


August 2016

The Airport

When I go to an airport

Even if I am just dropping someone off

I feel heightened, enlightened

Like I’m going somewhere

Somewhere new, somewhere cool

I am going to be in an aircraft

Going somewhere I haven’t gone before

In the airport, I feel free


Image result for airport indoor

The Nectar of Adulthood

She opened a flask and

Tipped it toward my mouth

I drank the liquid inside

It was thin at first

But when it reached my throat

It started thickening until it was as thick,

If not thicker, as the thickest honey

Then it descended as slow as a snail

And still managed to leave behind

The feeling, like it was there

Then it was gone

Leaving only the hope,

That it would come back

Leaving only the hole

Which it once filled

But bringing an unimaginable gift

The gift of adulthood

The gift of being free

The gift of responsibility

The gift of adulthood

Thus it is called

The Nectar of Adulthood


Image result for leather flask



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