

Misha Nivota's Poems


October 2016

The Perfect Swirl

She placed the jars in rows

And tipped them over all at once

The colored contents spilled and splashed

Into the tray of water

But then, somehow, the colors stayed on the surface

Making a pattern, so breathtaking

I let out a gasp

She swirled the colors all together

Pretty reds, yellows, blues and purples

“How do you do it?!” I asked

“Find the right balance of color.” 

Now I depend on that

In art and life

Enough work so I make money for my family

Not too much, so I can spend time with them

My children are always told to depend on it too

And yet, the pester me about it

“Why do you follow this “balance”?” they ask

Because if you balance out your life

It will end up like the perfect swirl, made by Great-Grandma


Home Is Where the Heart Is

For 18 years the heart was here

For 18 years, friends came and went

For 18 years, this was us

For 18 years, we have lived with the souls who got released here

For 18 years, this has been our home,

For 18 years…………

Where are we to go now?

Leave the place we have seen as new and say goodbye to the old

How can we?

How can we leave?

Make a place of new memories, happy and sad

In a state of incompletion

How can we……

Rebuild the heart in this place

This place that will be

The next……

How can we?

We will just remember

Home, no matter if it is old or new, is where the heart is



The Man and Her

He sat on the bench

Knowing it wouldn’t be long

Knowing it is coming

Watching the sunset

The brightest, best he has seen

He smiled, thinking of the last time he sat on the bench and saw the sunset

Together, right before she let the light surround her

Now it is his turn

Then, just as the sun began to fall

Came a brilliant light

Right out of the sun itself

Two young and strong hands, from the middle of the sun

Reaching for his very soul

He reached out and hugged her

“I will take you on a trip, from the sun to the moon.

Just hold on tight!” she said, soft and delicate

But for him, with power and grace

“Forever” he whispered

“No, not your time yet!” she said

They went to the moon and back

Finally, they came back and watched it rise, slowly

He feel asleep, she got carried away

In the arms of the sun

He woke up clutching a wax sculpture

He looked at it and was certain it winked

He walked home holding it close

He looked up at the sky and said

“It will be my time soon.”




This poem is for all the people in the world who have lost someone, near and dear

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