

Misha Nivota's Poems


December 2016

Harmony of Holidays

You waited so very long for this

This very special night

Your friends have also been waiting

Saving their money 

To  enjoy their friends

Crying out with joy

You wait for something else

For you comes the dreidel

The menorah and gelt too

You and your friends have different celebrations

And they never break this friendship

They bring you closer

This sharing of religion

It only happens once every year

These holidays, both very near and dear

This crisscross of Hanukkah and Christmas



One in a Billion

The world is million times bigger than me

A star in the universe

A speck of dust in god’s plate

A proton in the heart of uranium atom

You feel like the it is the world against you

And you feel so alone over in the dark side

But you’re not

If you add me and all my friends up

Billion stars, galaxy

Billion specks of dusk, a very big dust bunny

Billion protons, a large piece of uranium

Bring your army forth

And you can do anything



The Dreamland

The sun is going down, getting ready for bed

And so are the animals below

But, the human children have already gone

To a world which is only theirs

They leap, swim, burrow, and fly

In the world of their hopes and happenings

Here a mother is laughing when she almost won the game

There is me, inventing the first time machine

Wonders come and reality slips away

Into the whirling pool of visions

The thoughts of a child randomly come

Making the impossible possible

In the depths of their dreamland



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