

Misha Nivota's Poems


January 2017

The Bump in the Road

On a walk, this black Sunday morning

A fluffball close to my thigh

I was singing a song

The fluffball dancing along

When I felt the slightest rise

I was lifted off the ground, the fluffball rising too

I was flying, high, high up

Touching the clouds of daylight

I zoomed forward, Fluffy, close behind

I reach the land of afternoon, the sun low in the sky

I went farther, to the night, stars twinkling merrily

Fluffy barking madly, at my side

I looked down, suddenly dizzy

Falling, falling

Closer to ground

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them

I was standing on solid ground

The world was pitch black, as always

To my unseeing eyes

I reached down to Fluffy

And walked on, the adventure still in mind

And I walked right past the bump in the road




Turtles of Time

They carry forth


Of the troubles that lie


They venture to the blues and greens

Traveling in line

Even when they reach

They find suffeiring

Yet they will survive

Keep their species alive

Like a child in a biting storm

Running home from school

These hardened souls

These little children

Lost in the waves of life

Struggle to surface once more

These turtles of time


Ray of Sun

The wind blows strong 

And the hail never stops 

But the light of the sun carries on 

When the clouds cover up 

What is too dim to get through 

That little ray of sun will 

For it has the power of you 

And all the ones you love 

Separated by body 

Brought together by soul 

The single ray of sun 

In the cold dark of night 

Lights the whole world up



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