On a walk, this black Sunday morning

A fluffball close to my thigh

I was singing a song

The fluffball dancing along

When I felt the slightest rise

I was lifted off the ground, the fluffball rising too

I was flying, high, high up

Touching the clouds of daylight

I zoomed forward, Fluffy, close behind

I reach the land of afternoon, the sun low in the sky

I went farther, to the night, stars twinkling merrily

Fluffy barking madly, at my side

I looked down, suddenly dizzy

Falling, falling

Closer to ground

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them

I was standing on solid ground

The world was pitch black, as always

To my unseeing eyes

I reached down to Fluffy

And walked on, the adventure still in mind

And I walked right past the bump in the road
