

Misha Nivota's Poems


February 2017

The House on the Hill

I felt lost in the grasses

Like an old toy left out in the rain

I could see the house

So close, yet so far

Will I ever reach?

“Yes” said a voice

From deep inside me

For I saw a woman walking down the hill

With the last of my strength

I called out to her

Before falling into sleep

Feeling safe, two gentle arms,

Wrapped ’round me


The Perfect Way a Story Goes

Mysteries, fairytales, tragedies and more

Words flow from your heart, your core

They swirl up to your head

Never misread

Inspiring you to do the same

All the things you never found sane

Come to life, as you turn the pages

Adventures and tragedies of the ages

There for all the world to enjoy

For people to cry and laugh in joy

Making connections that will last forever

Bonds between us you can never sever

So, as I give this to you, today

Think of the wonderful times, coming your way

And thank the gods, that you know

Just the perfect way a story goes


The Spirit Child

The little spirit flutters down to ground

With no body to keep it rigd

It wakes up to find the world

In which it will live forever

It knows to find the family

That needs it so

Looking for life

The spirit closes it’s eyes once more

To open them to a mom

And a dad

Smiling at it





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