

Misha Nivota's Poems


June 2017

Desire for Perfection

Light is Nature’s Time

“Twelve o’ clock, PM.”

The time when the sun is highest in the sky

“Seven PM.”

The time when the sun begins to set

The words we use for time

Reflect our desire to make everything numbers

Our want to make sure we are perfect

For most life forms on Earth

Being a half an’ hour wrong is okay

Do we need to be the perfectionists of the world?



Silent Follower

This black image that goes everywhere with me

This dark reflection of my world

Hiding from the light

This door to another place 

Maybe to another Earth in the multi-verse

A gateway to our past, future

Is this something to be afraid of?

Something to study, learn about?

Whatever I do with my secret imitator

Atleast I know that never in time

Will I be truly alone

I will always have my silent follower


Leap of Faith

A cliff, a deep ravine, the rest of your life on the other side

The lip of a crater, your family and friends reaching out from across

A hold just out of reach, your feet firmly placed for launching

A mountain top under your feet, the rest of the world on another

The tip of the dock, the cool, calm water beckoning

You are on the cusp, the edge of today, tomorrow waiting

Do you jump, do you believe, do you act?

The world paved a path with many crevices, ravines and bumps

Your family and friends encouraging through the jumps

Don’t hesitate, propel yourself through the change

Don’t think of the consequences

Just jump, fly, soar

Take that leap of faith!!




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