

Misha Nivota's Poems


September 2018


What everyone tells you to be

What everyone tells you to do

What everyone says you to love

It is their way, their love

You are not forced

By the leader, by God

Nor by society

To follow these

To follow them

For you are your own person

You have your own way

Your own love

So hear me, all

And heed me now

For I most strongly believe

That, in any form,

Love is love


Science vs Religion

Some think that

Evolution started with a single stir

In the water it happened, the miniature soul

A breath in, and life began

Others believeĀ 

A mother-to-be created from chaos

Nurturing and green, waiting for a companion

A man was watching from the skies

And came down to show his love

Many children came forth

And life started as so

Neither side agrees with the other

A rift began to form

Whether you believe in science or religion

Be happy life is here at all


Inside Yourself

Some people live inside

That’s just the way they are

They daydream

They wander

To places no one else knows of

That’s just the way they are

They might feel all alone outside

But they know they can slip away

To a world that is all theirs

Some people only go there when they’re sleeping

But some are there forever

Thoughts swirling, gears turning

Stories being created in real time

And when they come out

In a daze

Brought back to reality

Back to work, school and social problems

But in the back of their minds

They know there will always be a place waiting for them

Inside themselves



The Dreaded Storm

You know it’s coming

As much as you know

They will be the cause of it

The dreaded storm

Here it comes

“I hate all of you!

I hate this world!”

I hate the virtues I stand upon

I hate the people who care

And don’t want to care about them

I hate all the things that brought me here

I hate taking the precious time and energy

To write this long passage

But now I don’t hate it anymore

Just wait

For the droplets to fall from my face

Now the storm has ebbed

Along with my strength & anger

Replaced by self-pity

I sit inside my prison and weep

That will stop soon too

Cause there is a rainbow

After every storm & rain

Always there

Always strong

Reminding you

Even if you hate the world

The world will never hate you

That there is always an end

To the dreaded storm



The Abstract

A green line here

A splash of blue there

A river

Bobbing against a stretch of grass

A grey block here

Some blue splotches

A building

Standing alone

You see something

In nothings

Pictures of life

In random colors

You have an eye for this

Something I don’t see

You see beyond the physical

Into the emotions

You see the abstract

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