

Misha Nivota's Poems


November 2018


I fall through the hidden veil

My joy bursting like a bubble

Burst by fear’s sharp needle 

Cries echo through the cavern

Unheard by the world above

Sink into the ground

Sorrow washes over me in waves

Slowly drowning 

I burn in the eternal flame 

But a light in the distance

Brings me to my feet

Its pulsing glow calls to me

“It’s time to tell the world what you see”

I threw off layers of helplessness

Weighing me down

There was something I could do

Strode up to the pedestal

Grabbed the mic 

Deep breaths, the audience before me

I spoke, deep tones ringing through

Hushed silence

Each word saying its own story

Stories about injustice, betrayal, tragedy

Stories of heroes, common people

Seeing the world and fighting to fix its mistakes

Heroes like me

My story bringing gasps of horror and tears of joy

I fought through the blockade they built

Rose stronger from the ashes

I am the Phoenix

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Scared of the dark

Scared of the lone

Scared of the other

Scared of all change

People have always been

And might always be

Scared of the unknown

We hide behind closed doors

Both physical and mental

Afraid of what’s out there

Why are we scared

If we haven’t even seen

Haven’t even tried

Fear guides us

Leads to war and death

Battle it with courage

For that wins hearts

Forms bonds everlasting

For we can never live

Without the world

Beyond our boundaries

Man walking on a boardwalk in the fog


The waves pounding the shore

The mountain breeze rushing through

The forest below

Rustling the trees and stirring up leaves

The cool, calm water

Bubbling and bumbling

Reaching the sea

And mixing

The salty air, and warm sand

The fresh, winding river

The cool breeze

The steady waves

This is nature

And to me,

This is joy



A single light,

Bobbing above the water

Covered in fabric, fire within

Reflecting on the calm sea

There’s a long way to go

It’s been left behind

A little light dim in the shadows

Alone in the darkness

Hovering between day and night

Between friends and enemies

The little light was scared,

Afraid of the secrets in the dark

But it gathered up its bravery

And flew,

Raced across the dark

Flinching at every little thing

But rushing past it

Reunited with its group

Its herd, family

And the lanterns broke the darkness

Boldly, standing strong



Global Warming

The world once lush and green, now brown and grey

Will soon turn to red and orange

As it burns over a bright flame

Created and kindled by humans, in their thirst for energy

The white in our planet will disappear

The animals will suffer

All because man wanted a reading light and a hot bath

But we aren’t there yet, it can be avoided

Sun, wind, and water can be used

Everyone doing their part to make a difference

To quell the looming threat of global warming

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