

Misha Nivota's Poems


February 2019


The bed isn’t made

All bags ready and packed

Middle of leaving

Image result for messy room with suitcase

Haikus of Nature

Leaf Pile

Leaf falling

Gently swaying in the wind

Whoosh, leaf pile destroyed


Blue Jay

Blue jay flies

To where food should be

Cries for dinner



Trees sway in wind

Crickle, crackle, crunch

Forest singing


Run, Squirrel

Whiskers wiggling

Not a moment of calm, peace

Squirrel running


Sky Sad

The rain falls

Hard, fast, smothering all

The clouds weeping


Image result for nature and animals image

The Road

The road is long

The road is dark

Only at the start

The road is hard, much too hard

Camps along

Many stop, don’t go on

Make do with what they have

Don’t work hard

Strive for better

But if you go on

Try hard, fail, learn

A meadow, light falling

Carefully on paradise

All you worked for

Is here

At the end of the road

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Life of a Writer

 Random lines connect

 Make words, stories

To fill a page with life

Sorrow and joy

Suspense and surprise

Each mark takes away

Lines of suffering

Etched onto the face

Add a tear or smile

Laugh or cry

Each line builds upon 

The shoulders of the last

Shaping a plot to excite

Words filling page after page

Pieces connecting

Joining to create an image

A painting, beautiful in every way

Step back and see

Enjoy and savor

This is the life of a writer





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