

Misha Nivota's Poems


February 2020

End Suffering

Children huddling together

Bruises blending with the wall

Skin paper thin,  ribs visible

Birds laying on shores

Wound tightly around their throats

Plastic squeezing for the kill

Young baby, trunk raised in grief

Mother’s body lying there

Waiting for misery’s end

See them plastered on walls

Short clips on screen

May shed a few tears

May stop a few seconds

But always swipe

Up and away

Move on

And forget

Forget the people starving

Forget the animals choking

Forget the babies crying

Forget their pain

People stand on ledges

Unable to cope

Cops kill, a hairbrush looked like a gun

In the dark hands

One walks free, another dead

We let that happen

Let the cycle continue

May not pull the trigger

But standing by is just as bad

Believe we can’t help

Don’t have enough power

Keep walking, that’s not happening

“I can’t”, “we can’t”

I guess nobody will

End suffering


Angel and Devil

Look around the room

Filled with decisions

One is made

Five more take its place

Feel a weight on the shoulders

On one, mini-me in white

Wings fluttering

Copy of my hair with white streaks

On the other, another but all red

Sharp trident in the air

Hair cut short, red like fire

White whispers

“Do what is right”

“Right for you

Red corrects

Don’t know who to follow

Which way to turn

Good girl, restricted by rules

Rebel, danger from risks

Look inside

Find a balance

Between two entities

Strong in their own ways

Between the angel and the devil

Let Go

Why do we think of the dead with sadness 

When they have moved on from the worries of life 

We put flowers where they rest 

Under trodden dirt 

We weep when we slip up  

And think they’ll be there 

Don’t think of what you could have done 

Think of what you did 

Lazy days sitting by the lake 

Thrill rides where you left your stomach behind 

Dinners under the night sky 

Thinking you could own the world 

Think and hold close to your heart 

The best parts of your kith and kin 

And let go 

Real Friend

Hey there! How’s life?




No time for a conversation 

At least not face to face

“but we can text!”

As if that’s an upgrade 

I need to talk to you

“ft or skype”

No, need the real you

Need you to hug me

Tell me everything is going to be alright

“cant talk”


“lets catch up some other time”

Excuse after excuse

Lunch dates, meet-ups pass by

“srry ig”

“u need to lighten up”

Try to reach out

Tell you what I’m feeling

This isn’t working out


“im leaving”

That’s it

They’re gone

No time to talk

No time the make the connections

The ones that matter

Relationships come from hugs, touch, love

Not heart emojis and screens

But they didn’t care

And now you’ve lost them for good

Ends or Means

Is it the goal

The benefit

Or the cost

That defines

A movement

An aim

To one, it is the casualties

The losses

To another, it is the gains

Things acquired

Real or not

True or false

Stories written

Morals or achievements

Losses just steppingstones

Up to gold

Or winnings just material objects

Shiny pieces and labels

Choices to be made

Can success be without hardship?

Do others’ losses really matter?


The ends or the means

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