Hey there! How’s life?




No time for a conversation 

At least not face to face

“but we can text!”

As if that’s an upgrade 

I need to talk to you

“ft or skype”

No, need the real you

Need you to hug me

Tell me everything is going to be alright

“cant talk”


“lets catch up some other time”

Excuse after excuse

Lunch dates, meet-ups pass by

“srry ig”

“u need to lighten up”

Try to reach out

Tell you what I’m feeling

This isn’t working out


“im leaving”

That’s it

They’re gone

No time to talk

No time the make the connections

The ones that matter

Relationships come from hugs, touch, love

Not heart emojis and screens

But they didn’t care

And now you’ve lost them for good