Sun, moon, and stars up high

Look at you like you hung them in the sky

Stand strong, never bend

On only you, do I depend

No one else sees my tears

No one else knows my fears

My dear best friend

My angel, a godsend

Always there to catch me

So, it’s even worse that I couldn’t see

You struggling, drowning under the weight

Of everyone’s suffering, no where to let yourself break

Down and be comforted

I wanted to be that for you

That safe place where you didn’t have to be strong

Could let the weaker part come through

And I knew that there was sadness behind your smile

But I ignored it and lived my life while

You cried alone with no one there

Feeling like no one cared

But now I’m there

I will never forget you

Again, I’ll be the person who

You can turn to

I will always comfort you

I know you think these are just

Empty promises, filled with distrust

To the one that wasn’t there

When you needed her, no one to share

Your troubles with and you thought I’d be there

But please believe me

I’m here for you to flee

All the burdens of everyone’s sorrow

I’ll be there to hold you until tomorrow

When you have to fix everyone

Else’s problems, as soon as you’re done

And you need to break down

I’ll be there to make sure you don’t drown

I won’t make the same mistake again

I promise

Hold my hand: Touching may ease pain by syncing brainwaves