I grew up in a world of color

Dazzling bursts in the sky

Vibrant powder hurled in every direction

These are my memories of youth

Slightly blurred, as many’s are

But with rainbow-tinted finish

Instead of rose

I return to the land of color

The victorious hero, expecting

A welcome of reds and yellows

Hearth-fire warm

A farewell of blues, greens, and purple

Bittersweet end with hidden beauty

But I am greeted with only

Grey indifference

Black judgement

And white exclusion

Colors don’t welcome me home

I sink into an abyss of

Monochrome numbness

And wonder

Whether this is home


I see colors off in the distance

Hear sparks and bangs

Children’s laughter

And shadows of the vibrance

I know exists elsewhere

Because the colors still

Celebrate and welcome and shine

But they no longer

Shine for me