When did you get scared of talking

Of sharing, of simple “how are you”s

Of coffee catch-ups, and facetimes

When did sharing your feelings

Start to feel like peeling your skin open

And inviting people to come see the carnage

When did someone asking about your day

Become an accusation instead of an invitation

Close up the drawbridge, you’re on guard, but against what

When did asking someone to change for you

Become lounging on a throne of gold

Living in luxury but asking for diamonds

When did telling someone you were sad

Become a lie, a scam, you want attention

Greedy little baby, turn around and walk away

When did your life become something you were ashamed of

That you painted over and tweaked until you had a new canvas

To present at the art show of “so, how have you been?”

When did calling your friends become a chore

As you juggle hiding your sadness when they tell you about their life

And overplaying your joy as you tell them about ‘yours’

When did you become a liar, a faker

When did you become scared of the world

Scared of what people thought

Of the consequences of the truth